A full moon rises above the pyramids of the northern capitol of Kongdon of Kush in northern Sudan Photograph by Michael Freeman
Sudan: The Land and the People
Internationally renowned photographer Michael Freeman, Victoria Butler and Timothy Carney came together to produce this rare look at the whole of Sudan before it divided into two nations. In a trio of thoughtful essays, Victoria Butler and Timothy Carney take readers on a journey through the country’s history, geography and culture.
More than a quarter of a million years ago, the first homo sapiens lived in Sudan’s Nile River valley. Five thousand years ago, Sudan gave Africa its first black kingdom. The book which was published just after the North and South signed a peace agreement, puts modern conflicts in historical context.
The book, now out of print, sold 20,000 copies and Meridian International had a traveling exhibition of Freeman’s photographs that toured the United States for three years.
“Michael Freeman’s camera has caught the essential humanity in Sudan. He reminds us that life even in the most difficult times has its joy and that children be nourished and pushed to achieve their very best.” — President Jimmy Carter
Young Women in Darfur, Photograph by Michael Freeman
“The Sudan for most people is just a name in the news. This magnificent book corrects that; its wise and well-informed text, and lavish pictures, give the country a face—irresistible, photogenic, bewitching and profoundly human in all it fabulous Sudanese variety.” — Paul Theroux
Dinka cattle camp Photography by Michael Freeman